10 ways to contribute in a (Virtual) Book club!

3 Minute Quick Read.

Few toastmasters have come together and formed a small book club “Books for Self-learning. Its a virtual book club. Generally, we talk and post about non-fiction books. But what is true about most of the online or virtual community applies here too. Few members contribute posts or interact (what experts call producers) and others are spectators (consumers). For a thriving, and learning community members should contribute more and more. Here are 10 ways anyone can contribute to the virtual community.  

  1. Post photo/image/Amazon or Goodreads link of your current reading. This can be done weekly or monthly.
  2. Post book-review, summaries, or comments on the completed reading. Or just link from your blog/linked-in/Facebook etc.   
  3. Post simply a quote, paragraph, graph or something that appealed to you from the book.
  4. Post interesting stories/articles about authors, books, and publishers.
  5. Post Cartoons, humorous jokes, events about books, authors in news.
  6. Post lists in news. For instance Bill-Gates summer book list, Obama’s reading list, or Shashi Tharoor’s.
  7. Post a question/request about something in the group. That will trigger discussion.
  8. Post about book-related events in the group. Like BDB Bookclub, or Jaguar-naut online lit-fest.
  9. Post about author events, or book-day, library-day or any other events related to books.
  10. Post about your writings. If you are writing or planning to write a book, blog, or article, share it in the group. That will inspire others to write.
  11. (Bonus tip) Post opinion poll, survey, or quiz on books, member’s habits/views or attitudes. 

So what are you posting today? Post and continue Posting in future too!