First I had already committed the date . Before due date, even after toiling with two three ideas , I was not ready with the speech. Then I decided to take a short-cut. I used my Organization Behavior assignment of book review Maverick. I reviewed “Maverick” – a story of turn around of Brazilian business. I rewritten my assignment to suit 6 minutes speech. At that time I followed all project-4 requirements. I could finalize the draft after 4 to 5 revisions in the Starbucks.
Now only one day was left for rehearsal. So I practiced from early morning, while having breakfast , along with commuting, & during lunch hour . Finally I practiced it mentally while going to venue in train, and I delivered my speech. In spite of Anxiety , delivery was confident, smooth and free flowing. Practice helps !. I could feel the “Positive feedback”. Later evaluator also gave good feedback.
Surprisingly speech won the best prepared speech award for that day. For me it become memorable as comparatively with less preparation , it gave more rewarding results.
Here is the draft of speech.

If you are cheerful , happy , and excited on Monday morning ,than Friday evening – then you belong to the better work place.
And How is this workplace – all employees reach at dot 0900 , all wears starched ,spotless suits and shiny shoes. Your idea will change – Mine also got changed after reading this book Maverick . Purpose of this speech is to introduce you to this book and firm called SEMCO – S-E-M-C-O . The book is all about the change – Change for better workplace .
Change made by people ,for people and by people.
First is flexibility . Flexibility in everything . Flexibility in arriving , leaving , holidays , dress – literary about everything. For example – look at our Monday morning routine. We rush , run to catch subway . It is peak hour ,as usual crowded . People ,People ,every where people. I use Tozai-sen , So much crowded ,that there is special subway staff to push people and close doors. I always feel like overblown balloon, someday it is going to burst open !.
How great it will be if we can avoid this time and reach office – may be just 15 min. late ,for some 30 min late ?
Crowed is not the only thing – You may wish to spend morning for a dear one – with simmering ,steamy hot coffee , or you may wish to hold the soft , smooth hand of your two year innocent child and walk for Hoiku-en.
This is possible – only with one single ,easy and simple step. You should have flexibility in office time. Semco does that . All employees -not only white collar staff ,but blue collar workers too – can come to office as per their convenience.
Company does not bother as long as work is done. But this single ,simple and easy step balances their work-life beautifully. Semco is flexible not only in arrival time ,but also in everything . You can decide your parking space , color of your office, color of factory , your furniture. You can
decide job-rotations , holidays & training. The height of flexibility is employees can decide their salaries too. Yes – Salaries too.
Another thing is your manager , your boss. Unavoidable evil. isn’t it ?
(Pause ! )
Many feel that boss is like a devil – who stands between you & your evaluation , You & your promotion too. He is the one who drives you and your ( low voice ) increments and bonus .
What if we can reverse this ? So instead manager rates you , you rate your manager. Semco does exactly that !. Instead boss hire employees , employee interviews and hires boss. Employee
decide – if their manager need to be promoted or not.
Do you think this all is odd, weird and strange . But this book with 36 chapters and 300 pages is full of such odd things.
Like ….
No Organization Chart , Semco doesnʼt need one.
No pyramidal or hierarchical structures with CEO at top ,then VP , then middle managers and then staff. Semco does not have any hierarchies .
And no designations for employees . Obvisouly Semco donʼt need HR department too.
So no HR ,No secretarial staff.
Sounds odd ,but note that firm is a huge success by any standards and any measures .
What is the secret of this success ?
It is collective decision making. It is not a mere Nemawashi – or simply consensus making . It is genuine collective decision making , true participative & democratic decision making.
Employees are not distant , disconnected ,abstract , faceless number. They are part & parcel of this Semco. They are spirit & soul . They are the force behind Semco Success.
Toastmasters now if you want to read this book ,my purpose is served .
Thank you very much.