First steps in Consulting!

We few friends have decided to study Consulting. 

Though we all have gone through research training, and possess skills required for consulting. 

That training was more from an academic research perspective. 

Now we wish to revisit these concepts in consulting context. 

After speaking to colleagues in consulting, doing some basic googling, and looking at course outlines of a few courses, We have gathered some resources. This blog post is outcome of that. 

One of the first things one can do while studying a new topic/subject is to join a course available on the topic. 

We found one available on Coursera offered by faculty who worked as a consultant. It’s a specialization (series of few courses).

Coursera Course on Consulting 

Seth Godin’s course on freelancing for consultants is available on Udemy. 

Seth Godin on Udemy 

Specifically on presentations skills for consultants

Presentation Skills for Consultants 

Some books are available on the subject (collected from various course outlines). . 

The basic principles of effective consulting. 

The Advice Business 

Peter Block’s following book is suggested by many. 

Flawless Consulting Book carries a field book or workbook too. 

FieldBook on Flawless consulting 

On structuring one’s thought process – particularly for reports and presentations, Barbara Minto’s book is highly recommended 

The Pyramid Principle 

A few more books are also suggested on consulting. 

And on top of it – a host of HBR cases and articles are available on the subject. 

Material is collected. Now time to read and study it.