How Vivekananda continues to Inspire!

5 Minute Quick Read. 

[I only tell you this, that whoever reads this letter will imbibe my spirit! “
                                                                                                      – Swami Vivekananda” ]

is an inspiring personality. 

He enthralled the audience that listened to him at Chicago
in 1893
. He inspired
hundreds after his return and these lectures are outlined in “
from Colombo to Almora
”. His
contemporaries like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo,
and even Industrialist Jamshetji Tata expressed how he was influential. Mahatma
Gandhi in Feb, 1921 at Belur, even said that, 

 I ask you, young men, not to go away empty-handed without imbibing something  of the spirit of the place where Swami Vivekananda lived and died”. 

His inspiration continues even to this date. I have at
least half-dozen close friends who were inspired by his words, writings and are living their life as Monks or are serving full time, the poor and needy. They are
walking the path shown by him. There are enumerable examples of how he
continues to inspire. For instance, a famous story about 
Anna Hazare, social activist goes, that he was about to commit
suicide and then read the works of Swamiji. It inspired him to pick up rural
development and continues to inspire to serve India. 
I am always amused by the inspirational power of
Swamiji’s words and writings. One can understand the influence on his
contemporaries due to direct contact, but how come he continues to inspire
people even today? 

Recently I came across a behavioral study about the
inspiring power of words
Researchers used Poetry as a channel for inspiration. A group wrote Poetry and
tested for their level of inspiration. Another group read this poetry and
commented on various parameters. Total 36, 020 data points were collected.  

Researchers concluded that inspired writers were able to inspire average
readers. Readers found poems as more sublime, insightful when writers were more
inspired. Surprisingly efforts put into writing or originality of writing
weren’t having any effect on the reader. And the only connection between reader
and writers were poem!  

This kind of explains how Vivekananda continues to
inspire. He was highly inspired person. He spoke about his Guru Sri Ramkrishna

My teacher, my master, my hero, my ideal, my God in life “. 

He mentioned at one point, 

“It is true I believe Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to have been inspired.
But then I am myself inspired also. And you are inspired. And your disciples
will be; and theirs after them; and so on, to the end of time! “   

What he wrote was from the deep truth he experienced. His
expressions were just an outcome of his inner pure, inspired state of being.
And hence his writings are more than the words, they are medium, the vehicle
that continues to inspire and will continue to inspire us  Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.