[ 7 minute Quick-Read ] Aristotle said, “Man is by nature the social animal”. And our brain is…
10 min. Quick Read Quick Summary: Poetic musing of the mindfulness teacher. Any curious mind can benefit. Any…
A Quick 6 Minute Read. Writing is a craft. Every craft starts at hand, goes to your arm,…
[6 minute Quick Read] [Solitude and the Sea – Painting – By Jacques Bodin] When is the last…
3 Minute Quick Read. [Image Source: Wikipedia ] Irrfan Khan passed away just at 53. (29 April 2020). Tributes…
7 minute Quick Read. Japanese Olympic player addicted to mobile games raked up 5000 $ (close to 4…
6 minute Quick read. Digital detox – abstaining from social media, a smart phone is popular these days. So…
3-minute quick read. When smart-phone was introduced by Apple –it was supposed to be a combination of iPod…
3-minute quick read We are becoming social media and mobile junky. On average we check…
3 Minute Quick Read. Few toastmasters have come together and formed a small book club “Books for Self-learning.…