Personal Branding : Some useful resources

branding is when you take charge of your career.   It gels well with
protean careers or boundary less careers. You want to take charge of your
career.  Your commitment to career
progress takes primacy than your commitment to the Organization.  Personal branding helps in standing out of
the crowed. It helps individuals in showing how will he contribute value to the
job in hand than his peers.  There are varieties
of resources available on Personal branding and it is worth considering as
option to advance one’s career. 

  •  Quick
    advice on Personal branding : Free online PDF to download : Visit .
  •  Tom
    Peters : The Brand You   [ Amazon Link
  • Keith
    Ferrazzi : Never Eat Alone [ Amazon Link
  •  Dan
    Schawbel : Me 2.0 , Build a Powerful brand to achieve a career  Success [ Amazon Link
  •  William
    Aruda : Career Distinction : Stand out by Building your brand  [ Amazon Link

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