Presenting Business Plan

As far as JMEC ( Japan Market Expansion Competition ) goes ,though team has prepared the BEST business plan , still they are far away from winning. Team still need to present it to Judges ,face the critic and satisfy their doubts.

This post looks at the Presentation aspect.

JMEC arranges a excellent workshop on presentation skills specifically with respective to business plan. Further as a mentor I advised team to take a serious look at Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule of presenting business plan.

In general all following rules apply

  • Very punchy, good start will ensure that judges will listen more attentively.
  • Too much to read on slides or jazzy graphics, both is distracting .
  • As a thumb rule less than 4 lines on a slide & less than 6 words in a line .
  • Remember bullets kill and bullet points too ,know this “Death by Power-Point” ?
  • It is good to prepare a list of potential questions with model answers – if possible with some backup slides.

From my experience ,sure tips to ensure satisfaction of Judges –

  1. Does plan address market potential ?
  2. Does plan establishes market need ? [ Do you understand the difference ?]
  3. What magic team is recommending to the client to address 1 and 2 ?
  4. And most importantly whether financial section supports this magic ?