I joined Aniket’s reading program “The Reading Habits“
In its simplest form it is GRP – guided reading program.
I was curious to know, how he runs it & hence joined it.
And over the period of last few months read really sizable number of books with him.
B J Fogg’s Tiny Habits, David Allen’s Getting Things Done, Scott Adam’s How to fail at almost everything and still win big, Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people, Paulo Coehlo Alchemist, Jake Knapp’s Make Time, Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow. And soon will be reading “Anxious People” as well as “Old Man and the Sea”. The journey is surely enriching. And his book selection never fails. Overall I became a disciplined & better reader.
( I couldn’t enjoy only “Getting things done”. But that may be my own way of looking at time and productivity management.)
As a part of his reading activity. He chooses a reader, asks him few questions and they respond to it in the group. He calls this “ReadAR Spotlight” (That’s not typo !).
I was part of this recently on 9th July 2021.
But the way I wrote answers to those questions, I felt like preserving and sharing them to the others outside that group. Hence this blog post!
Particularly to with my friends and families – who may be knowing me as a reader.
Here is that “written Q-n-A”
This is primarily written on Mobile for WhatsApp, hence pardon for any typo/spelling or punctuations!
Links are added in the blog!

Please feel free to comment on this.. Thanks.