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How people set their Salary Expectations ?

(Image Source: Wikimedia)How do people set their Salary expectations? Particularly the one who are returning to job-market after a break, returning from other country or switching careers. For instance when I returned from Japan, and was looking forward to my career...

Severance Pay ,

Severance pay is paid for terminating employment .This can be layoff , job elimination ,restructuring or mutual agreement. If employee agreement do not stipulate any serverance pay , there is no obligation on employer to pay.But normally employer get rid of any future...

Bankruptcy and Employee Benefits

There was unimaginable fall-out in financial markets recently . Japan too was not different.Bear sterns, J.P. Morgan ,Merry Lynch , Citi-group and biggest of all Lehman !.Example of Lehman was very classic ,while employees were down with week-end hang-over they woke...

Salary and Confidentiality

As long as there is some-one in your friend-circle earning more than you , you are bound to be unhappy. Firm don’t want you to be unhappy and hence forbid you to discuss about compensation.Humor apart , but back in India I found that this is common topic around...