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Japanese adopting western Bonus culture !

Financial times dated 1-jun says “Nomura’s 1600 staff- more than 50% of its investment arm adopted western style contracts” .This will cut basic salaries , provide higher performance bonus and it will be easier to fire them in case of downturn.Though...

Obesity – Metabolic Syndrome and HR

Obesity ! What HR has to do with it . looks like a natural Question.But in the Country like Japan , where salary-man spends most of his time in office – is closely linked , at least Authorities think so. So For employees ( And there dependents too ) measuring...

Lay offs reach Japan

World economy is heavily interconnected and flicker in any economy creates ripples everywhere. So how the Japan will escape the fact that US economy is in down trend ?In general the credit crunch is hitting everyone. Automobile industry in US is struggling to survive....

Severance Pay ,

Severance pay is paid for terminating employment .This can be layoff , job elimination ,restructuring or mutual agreement. If employee agreement do not stipulate any serverance pay , there is no obligation on employer to pay.But normally employer get rid of any future...

Happiness at Work

Ravindra Prasad has written an article on employee happiness on rediff.In my opinion “Plan your week on Sunday night or Monday morning” is the most important in this list. It is surely more than mundane “to do list”.Those who are aware of...

Bankruptcy and Employee Benefits

There was unimaginable fall-out in financial markets recently . Japan too was not different.Bear sterns, J.P. Morgan ,Merry Lynch , Citi-group and biggest of all Lehman !.Example of Lehman was very classic ,while employees were down with week-end hang-over they woke...